
答:To a corporation, the effective cooperation of the team may affect the fate of the whole corporation, while corporate culture construction is a trump for constructing effective teams,enhancing enterprise cohesive force, and maintaining the sustainable development of the corporations. Along ...

答:and cannot be so construed as to leave congress free to make any process 'due process of law' by its mere will.'All persons within the territory of the United States are entitled to its protection, including corporations, aliens, and presumptively citizens seeking readmission to the...

答:关于互联网的英语论文,带有中文翻译。3000字左右。急啊。 跟互联网有关就好。可以介绍互联网的发展,或者网络虚拟物质与人类生活的关系。这方面的文章,带有中文翻译。或者中文文章带有英文翻译。非常急,就这两天马上要用。希望好心的朋友帮... 跟互联网有关就好。可以介绍互联网的发展,或者网络虚拟物质与人类生活的...

Corporations will look highly upon individuals who have left the...
答:【海纳百川团】好caxio为您解答:Corporations will look highly upon individuals who have left the comforts of home to trudge their way through a foreign country, language, and culture..翻译:许多公司(或企业)将高度重视那些已经离开家庭的温暖而艰难跋涉的个体或个人,他们在异国,在异国语言...

答:With the rapid development of international trade and international capital's double-flow,multinational corporations make the rapid growth of foreign exchange business,more and more corporations frequently expose to the risk of foreign exchange,further more,current international financial markets ...

答:结果,通过期票获得的资金产生4.5%对持有人一个百分点比通过4.5%被上升的资金的费用将有有效的利息费用对银行差不多四分之一CD的’ s。期票也是从章程Q天花板解脱在率。 在1965年12月之前,在章程Q天花板,一些的增量开户期票被发布以率在CD的’ s.允许最大4.5%之上。这个翻译很辛苦的!!!

答:000 branch stores in the world scope the multinational corporations. Beginning of the year, in 2003 which promotes by the international famous brand development facility world brand laboratory the world most influential brand 100 is strong, MaC$donald is second. Global turnover ...

答:现代社会,因竞争而不断进步!更因竞争而充满活力!现代社会竞争比合作更能使文明进步。你追我赶的发展竞争可使落后成为先进,社会就是遵循这种永恒的竞争法则走向现代,走向未来。Competitions stimulate modern society to develop further and be energetic! Compared with corporations, competitions in ...

答:this year the employment rate is less than 5%. about 20 million farmers and white-collars have lost their jobs. there have been 10 corporations went bankrupt in our building 现在干啥都不好干,实在不行我就回家种地呀 there is no easy job now.if the worst comes to the worst ,i...

...KRAAKMAN 1.1 Introduction 跪求第一部分的翻译
答:什么是一般结构的商业corporations-or律法的,因为它将会在英国,不同国家地区公司law-across吗?尽管这一问题是很少被问到公司法学者,是书籍 重要的公司法律对比调查。近來强调分歧在欧洲,美国和日本的corporationsin公司治理结构、股权、资本市场以及 商业文化。1,不过,尽管非常真实jurisdictionsalong这些...


{咸菊苑19748049643} Offshore Incorporations HK Limited 怎么翻译? - ______ 离岸成立公司香港有限公司Offshore Incorporations Group (OIL) 在一九八六年成立,专门为客户在各主要司法管辖区 (安圭拉岛、巴哈马、英属维尔京群岛、开曼群岛、德拉瓦、香港、毛里求斯、萨摩亚、塞舌尔及新加坡) 办理公司成立注册事宜.

{咸菊苑19748049643} operation 和company的区别? - ______ 不是operation 而是corporation 此两词均可作“公司”解.通说认为“company”乃英国英语,而美国英语则以“corporation“公司”.如1979年香港Michael Stevenson Ltd.出版、早年曾任复旦大学教授的洪士豪法学博士编、前东吴法学院第...

{咸菊苑19748049643} 公司的区分,有些是有限责任,有些是无限责任 翻译成英文 - ______ 有限责任公司 结尾是 Ltd 意思是limited 这种公司一般会是上市公司 所有者不等于经营者 属于有钱大家赚 要亏一起亏的 所以即使负债再多 大不了公司申请破产倒闭 就可以一笔勾销 经营者 or CEO和所有者 不会对变卖资产后 仍旧欠的账务有任何责任 无限责任公司 结尾是Pty Ltd 意思是Propriety Limited 即私有公司 这种公司不是上市公司 一般经营者=所有者 这种公司如果破产 残余的债务仍然要所有者偿还 所以叫无限责任公司 好像还有1种公司形式 忘记是什么了 呵呵 一共有3种公司形式 嘎嘎

{咸菊苑19748049643} 英语翻译特别是后面的Corporations ACT2001 - SEC135不知怎么翻好. - ______[答案] 根据2001号合作法案第135条的可替代原则 (不好意思,那个法案的名字忘了)

{咸菊苑19748049643} 例如一家公司的名字叫ABC CO.,INC 请问INC是什么的缩写? - ______ Incorporation 常见的在公司名中出现的Inc. 是下面这个意思. 如果有需要我可以专门回来翻译一下 Inc. = A corporation (usually known in the United Kingdom and Ireland as a company) is a legal entity (distinct from a natural person) that often has ...

{咸菊苑19748049643} replaceable rules - ______ A company must have rules about its structure, management and operation. If a company do not have its own constitution(公司章程), the Corporations Act 2001 has a list of 41 replaceable rules(可替代条文) that may be adopted.

{咸菊苑19748049643} 英语翻译In most states,corporations don't have to file fictitious business names unless the corporations do business under names other than their own.For ... - ______[答案] 在大多数国家,公司没必要将虚拟的商业名归档除非公司在除此他们自己的以外的名下做生意.列入,利用数据库可以允许你的公司不通过创建分别的合法实体来运行几个商务.但是如果你已经有了一个商务机构——一家公司或者一个团体的文件相当...

{咸菊苑19748049643} 请教,这句英语的翻译: - ______ Fortunately, the rising levels of education, population, and income fed by economic growth after World War II, 幸运的是,二战后经济增长所带来的教育、人口及收入水平的提升along with financial contributions by individuals, foundation, ...

{咸菊苑19748049643} 翻译句子 - ______ 公司盈利是独立于其已缴股本权益而独立核算的.

{咸菊苑19748049643} 翻译一段句子 ______ 跨国公司不断努力地争取成为过渡到更清洁,更环保经济的竞赛先锋